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The LFCC’s mission of recruiting and supporting the families who care for Arizona’s children can only be achieved through collaboration. Therefore, the center is agency- independent, welcoming all families and professionals. The LFCC would like to be the place that families can come to to access the services and supports to meet a variety of their needs. In order to achieve this goal, we will need the help and support of the adoption, foster care, guardianship, and kinship community as a whole. If you would like to collaborate or participate in any of the following areas, please contact the Program Supervisors.


Increased knowledge and understanding can become tools that families use to parent non-biological children with confidence and success. We seek to communicate knowledge and information through Specialized Training Sessions, and through individualized Q & A Sessions, and through our the literature in our Resource Library.

  • You can contribute your time and expertise by presenting a Specialized Training Session on a topic related to parenting a child in out-of-home care. We have training rooms that can accommodate up to 70 people with a projector, TV and VCR. Plus, our event calendar is distributed to over 400 families and professionals each month.
  • We also need professioals who are willing to meet individually with families during Q & A Sessions to answer specific questions about needs or services related to parenting their child. If you or your agency specialize in an area related to our target population’s needs, you can donate a short period of time to be available on a monthly basis to answer families’ questions.
  • If you offer a service or know of a community resource that would benefit our families, you can share that information by contributing brochures or literature to our Resource Library.


Parents who are committed to raising children from out-of-home care deserve support and need to feel connected to others who understand. To support families and help them connect to other families, the LFCC currently offers several Support Groups, Parent & Child Playgroup and Recreational Activities.

  • We welcome professionals who are able to facilitate support groups for individuals impacted by foster care, adoption, kinship or guardianship care. If you are currently holding a support group relevant to our target population, consider meeting at the center or let us know about your group so that we can spread the word to families and professionals.
  • We welcome individuals who want to give families opportunities to have fun and bond with each other through Recreational Activities and Playgroups. Consider partnering with us to create activities that bring families together or host an activity at the center. Let us know of other activities that you hold throughout the community so that we can spread the word to families and professionals.

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